1. Crop the picture on page 1 to Horizontal Scroll shape.
2. On bottom of page 1, apply Plain Table 3 style to the table and configure to column heading of it will be repeated onto the next page.
3. Create a hyperlink to link the picture on page 1 to heading “Contact”.
4. Sort data in table following paragraph under the “Notes” heading in ascending order.
5. At the end of the document, add a Step Up Process diagram. From left to right, insert into the diagram, "Visit website", "Select course", "Add to Cart", “Confirm”.
6. Navigate to bookmark named “Cong_Academy” and change the format of content to Intense Emphasis.
7. Add a Filigree cover page. Delete “Document subtitle” placeholder and add text “http://tinhoccong.com” into “Company address” placeholder.
- 22 November 2022, 2:16 PM