1. Discount is the result of the unit price multiplied by quantity and multiplied by discount rate. On the “Sales” worksheet, in cell F4 of “Discount” column, insert a formula to calculate Discount value. Copy formula to F5:F43 without changing fill color.
2. On the “Summary” worksheet, name cell range B2:C9 to “Sam”. Accept all default settings.
3. On the “Sales” worksheet, add a function to Class column that will display the word “Normal” if the value of Discount column is less than $500000, other cases, display the word “VIP”.
4. In the cell range of “Sum of Quantity” column on the “Summary” worksheet, calculate total quantity of each “Product Category”. The value can be found in the “Sales” worksheet.
5. On the “Sales” worksheet, create a formula in cell J1 that uses an Excel function to return the average of unit price based on the values in the “Unit Price” column.
6. In the cell A1 on the “Sales” worksheet, calculate total amount discount of product category has value of “Unit Number” greater than “30500”. This result will be updated even if your product categories are changed or added.
7. Configure the formulas on the “Sales” worksheet will display formulas in each cell instead of the result value.
- 25 November 2022, 2:17 PM