1. On bottom of page 1, sort table by “Time” column in ascending order.
2. Configure to column heading of the “Division Types” table will be repeated onto the next page.
3. On page 2, insert a table from text beginning with "Bun" and ending with "Sam". Create a table with 3 columns that is separated by tabs and spreads across entire width of the window.
4. On page 2, to the right of the "Places to Play" heading, insert a footnote. Cut and paste text beginning "We will be” and ending with “locations soon!" to the footnote content.
5. Add a Closed Chevron Process diagram between the paragraph describes about “Programs” and “Our Motto” heading. From left to right, insert into the diagram, "Make friends", "Play safe", "Have fun!".
6. Add the text "Sam and Bun" as the subject property of this document.
Show the tab formatting symbols in a document. Do not show other formatting- 9 December 2022, 3:43 PM