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Opened: Thursday, 24 November 2022, 12:00 AM
1. Insert endnote to the right of text “reforestation” in the first paragraph below the “How to Plant Seedlings for Reforestation” heading. Add text to footnote content “The process of replanting an area with trees”.
2. Add a Next page Section break to before the “Planned Family Orchard” heading.
3. At the end of the document, Insert bibliography type References.
4. Insert caption to the below of a picture of Plum with text: “: Brooks Plum”. Accept all other settings.
5. Update the table of contents of the document.
6. Insert table of figures to the below the “List of fruits” heading with Figure caption label and do not using tab leader.
7. Show the Navigation pane.
- 9 February 2023, 3:00 PM