❑ Display the Properties list and expand it to show all properties.Change the Title property to Vacation Ideas and set the Status property to In Progress.
❑ Display the presentation in Slide Sorter view.
.❑ Set the slide size for the presentation to On-screen Show (4:3), and choose the option to maximize the slide content. Notice the effect of this selection on the text on slide 2 and the image on slides 3 through 5.
❑ Undo the slide size change. Then reselect the slide size, and
click the Ensure Fit option.
❑ Set the slide size for the presentation to On-screen
Show (4:3), and choose the option to ensure the fit of slide content.
Notice the effect of this selection on the slide content and the difference between
the two fit options.
❑ Manually rescale the image on the slide master, setting the
Scale Height to match the Scale Width. Ensure that the image is vertically aligned
with the content placeholder, and then close Slide Master view.
❑ Display the presentation as it would appear in grayscale, and
then as it would appear in black and white. Notice the changes required to make
the presentation content visible and effective in each of those color schemes.
➤ Save the PowerPoint_1-5 presentation.
- 19 January 2025, 11:53 PM