The practice file for these tasks is located in the attachment file powerpoint 2_1.docx
. The folder also contains a result file that
you can use to check your work.
➤ Open the PowerPoint_2-1 presentation and do the following:
❑ On slide 1, apply the third built-in WordArt style (Fill: Lime, Accent
color 2; Outline: Lime, Accent color 2) to the presentation title.
❑ On slide 2, format the slide title as Bold, Purple (Accent 4), and Small
Caps. Set the character spacing to Expanded. Then use the Format
Painter to apply the same formatting to the titles of slides 3 through 8.
➤ Return to slide 2 and do the following:
❑ Convert the bulleted list items to normal paragraphs.
❑ Format the paragraphs in two columns, and then resize the
placeholder so the columns are of equal length.
❑ Create hyperlinks from each of the following paragraphs to the
corresponding slide in the presentation:
۵ Preparing for a buying trip
۵ Traveling internationally
۵ Meeting the client
۵ Choosing the merchandise
۵ Closing the deal
❑ Edit the Meeting the client hyperlink to display the ScreenTip How to
comport yourself.
➤ Display slide 3 and do the following:
❑ Change the first-level bullets to green dollar signs.
❑ Increase the hanging indent of the second-level list items to 0.5”.
➤ Display slide 8 and do the following:
❑ Change the second-level list to a numbered list.
❑ Change the numbers to purple capital letters.
➤ Save the PowerPoint_2-1 presentation.
- 19 January 2025, 11:53 PM