1. Configure the “Data” worksheet so that the column heading of the table (row 2) to print repeatedly in all pages.
2. Unlock all rows and columns on the “Tracker” worksheet to scroll entire this worksheet.
3. Configure the “Tracker” worksheet to print this sheet with Gridlines, in Landscape Orientation and Fit all columns on one page.
4. On the “Sales” worksheet, remove only cell range F1:F5 from Print Area. Accept all other default settings.
5. On the “Sales” worksheet, insert a page break to between the “ID” column (column B) and the “Sales” column (column C).
6. Change the view of the “Data” worksheet to Page Break Preview. Drag the page break between columns E and F to immediately after column F.
7. Configure the “Data” worksheet to print center on page horizontallly.
- 25 November 2022, 2:27 PM